Wednesday, July 27, 2011

World Neighbors Programs

Hello, fellow travelers!

For the next two weeks, we are going to travel to some of World Neighbors 70 program areas around the globe. We will be in Kenya and Tanzania, learning about the people who live there and about the work World Neighbors is doing to fulfill our mission of eradicating hunger, poverty and disease. Here is a little bit of basic information to get you started on our journey.

The map above shows Kenya and Tanzania in the context of World Neighbors 11 other programs. Community members in these areas have asked that we focus on the following problems in order to help villagers best improve their lives.


  • Increasing food security

  • Expanding income-generating activities

  • Decreasing environmental degradation

  • Establishing savings and credit groups

  • Creating mobile HIV/AIDS voluntary testing and counseling programs

  • Developing Farmer-Field schools


  • Encouraging efficient use of natural resources

  • Expanding capital for savings and credit programs

  • Facilitating group organizational skills

  • Promoting HIV support groups

  • Establishing individual and school nurseries

Consider this your invitation to join us virtually on our journey to Africa!- World Neighbors

- Headquarters Staff
Oklahoma City, OK